Sunday, September 10, 2023

MakoMeshi 25: Senbei and Cinnamon Rolls

A new chapter of MakoMeshi. This one features Bundou from Kazekoshi and Tsuruga's Tsuyama. I think with this one every relevant Nagano character has been featured in at least one chapter.



  1. Nice cameos with the pro cards.

    1. Yeah! But I only recognize Cocoro and Shino on page 7. I feel like I should know the other two but I can't put a name to them.

    2. The one below Cocoro—I think it may be YAJI Kanon from the national team in Shinohayu. She didn’t have glasses (or a cup) in Shinohayu, but her hair is similar and the signature looks vaguely like 八〇花音, matching her name 八道花音. And in Google I saw some Japanese source say she was the interhigh champion in Shino’s 5th year, although I couldn’t find this in Shinohayu itself—maybe Ritz posted this on the blog?

      The one below Shino is a complete mystery. Her hair shape reminds me of Akasaka (the current Himematsu substitute coach), but the signature doesn’t seem to match, she seems to have prominent eyebrows (which Akasaka doesn’t), the hair seems light-coloured (although you can never be sure), and last but not least, the background behind her seems to be some kind of Christian cemetery with spirits flying around?? Have we seen anyone linked to Christianity other than Usuzan, or anyone at all linked to cemeteries?

    3. > although I couldn’t find this in Shinohayu itself—maybe Ritz posted this on the blog?

      (although the random source clearly said “her name came up in Shinohayu”, so uhh I dunno? シノハユの方で名前だけ出てきた、慕ちゃんが小学5年生の時の、咲本編から数えれば17年前のインハイチャンプです)

    4. Nice find! She looks a bit different but I think you're right. She probably is Yaji Kanon. Her name came up in chapter 43 of Shinohayu.

    5. Ah yes, thanks! I focussed too much on it being “during” her fifth year, so I missed that in my search.

      So, yeah. By this theory, at least three of those cards are competition champions. Who could the remaining one be?

    6. The only thing I can tell is the last part of her name looks like the hiragana す "su" which looks a bit like a Christian cross. But what character has a name that ends with す and could more or less match the picture in the card? I've no idea.

      The first kana could be a し "shi" or a く "ku" but that doesn't tell me anything either.

    7. Oh, I didn’t think of す! Good idea! I kept thinking it’s either ナ “na” or purely decorative. It could also be Latin “Ch…” or even “A” (“Ɑ”)—we do have “Cocoro” signed in Latin, after all.

      A further thing that bothers me is how the second symbol from the left seems to start from below the midpoint of the leftmost one. It would require the writer to finish the first stroke, then return the pen back to this point to start the second stroke. Like, who does that? Or what symbol requires that? Almost looks like a Ç.

      Oh well.

      Watch as she’s introduced in the next Shinohayu chapter.

    8. honestly i think the word is entirely in latin characters. it looks like it spells "christ" lol

  2. Thank yiu for the chapter
