Monday, March 19, 2018

Saki ch187: Imitation

This is one of those chapters where if you take the time to look at the player's tiles and each of their moves, you can understand a lot more than what transpires by reading the text. I love chapters like that. Of course, a certain knowledge of the rules of riichi mahjong really helps. Sometimes I wish that the characters would explain more, it's usually up to the reader to figure most things out. But it's also great when you notice such things on your own.

Also, I wonder if we'll see Limitless Heaven in the Toki manga at some point.
Saki ch187 (Mega)
Saki ch187 (Mediafire)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Saki ch186: No-self

This chapter's title is a bit complicated to understand. The original term is 無我 muga, which means "no-self". It can be used to mean a "state of complete self-effacement, free from obstructive thoughts". Even "trance" or "spiritual awakening" aren't too far off. It can also be used to refer to the Buddhist concept of Anattā (non-self). The chapter also contains a reference to Maitreya (a future Buddha). I suggest you look up pictures of sitting statues of the bodhisattva Maitreya to have a clear picture of Kasumi's words in the chapter.

Saki ch186 (Mega)
Saki ch186 (Mediafire)