Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Shinohayu 74: Keystone

Short but sweet. Toki will be next. Probably on the weekend.
Shinohayu ch74 (Mega)
Shinohayu ch74 (Mediafire)


  1. i mean, on saki 203, it was hinted that shino is the current worlds champion (in the page after sukoyan "hinted" that shino is the current world record holder)

    1. Yes, and this chapter hints at Shino being Japan's rep at the Worlds, so it's a hint in the same direction.

  2. Playing without pressure against playing under pressure... quite an interesting conflict. Like... Shino wan't playing at her best even when she says otherwise. Now I wonder what's the exact trigger that gives Shino more resolve into winning, like... she wants to see mom once more... and then what? How can she play at her best by her own will?

    Maybe some questions will be answered eventually.

    1. Yeah, I guess she'll need to find out how to get a better control of her skills.

    2. well she became a magjong pro eventually so probably managed to do this :)

    3. We know that, if she becomes the Mahjong pro, but the intesting thing is knowing how does she overcome this conflict.
