Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saki 210: With All Her Strength

For some reason, I always assumed Yuuki already played mahjong before meeting Nodoka. But looking back at the special chapter in volume 9, it makes more sense that she didn't. If Yuuki had any interest in mahjong before that, she could have joined Takatoobara's club immediately. But she only does after Nodoka mentions mahjong is her hobby two months later, too late for the Intermiddle. This ties well with Yuuki's thoughts in this chapter.

On a funny note, I like Toki's joke in page 2. She says it so seriously, even Ryuuka doesn't know what to think!
Saki ch210 (Mega)
Saki ch210 (Mediafire)


  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    And Toki... I thought your goal was to see 100 turns ahead, isn't that enough? ^^

  2. Channeling her inner Shiratsuki Shino, I see...
    Thx for translations!

  3. Wait, did this just reveal, that Yuuki's aunt married a woman?

    1. That is awesome. I know Ritz said that woman could marry each other on her blog, I just thought that her editors would never let her put one in the manga proper.
