Sunday, June 4, 2023

Toki 68: Rematch

Like Saki, Toki will skip next issue so the author can work on the revisions and extra material for the upcoming volume releases. Shinohayu doesn't skip any issues though, so we should have a new chapter at the end of the month.

Before that, I'd like to do another MakoMeshi chapter. Maybe not next week because I need a little break but the one after that.



  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Thanks for translations!

  3. Thank you for your work. It seemed that Sera reached Fujishiro first. However, how will Sera have a revenge mahjong match with Fujishiro? Will it be two-player mahjong or Sera dragging another two to to fight with Fujishiro (Who will want to fight Fujishiro and Sera?)? By the way, I am very curious what Ryuuka said to Toki.
