Sunday, October 9, 2022

Saki 250: Intense Pain

At the end of last chapter, Ako tried to tell the others that cooperation is essential if they want to avoid a potential series of yakumans from Takami. How will the other two respond to Ako's silent request for help?



  1. Thanks for the chapter. I really wonder how the pain will help Hisa in this game, considering she said that her bad waits does not work that way? It would be dissappointing if her injury won't help her in any way.

    1. I think maybe the injury is more like a handicap to Hisa. To increase the tension and the "will she make it or will she collapse?". Like Toki's poor health.

  2. Thanks for the chapter!
    The win shot are nice this chapter. Ako looks really cool on page 10-11.

  3. Predictions: (1) Hisa manages to stay alive but ends her match barely above zero. (2) Nodoka has a legendary run to get Kiyosumi from near zero into a slim lead. (3) Saki plays +/- zero, with flowers on the mountaintop for the win.

  4. Taisho match is going to super interesting, with Awai's control potentially not even work against Nelly and Shizu stopping all the powers.. I wonder Saki will do..
