Thursday, August 25, 2022

MakoMeshi 19: Secret Good Rice Club (2)

There was supposed to be a Shinohayu chapter this month but it wasn't published. No reason given but probably related to the release of new volumes next month and Ritz having too much work. Toki was already expected to skip an issue so nothing new this month.
On the other hand, I contacted MoyaiSubs and Akio Translations will be doing MakoMeshi from now on. In case you didn't know, this series already ended. We'll be translating the remaining chapters whenever there are no other series to work on (like now).

The raws and most of the cleaning and redrawing in this chapter was done by MoyaiSubs so let me thank them again for all their work. This chapter continues directly from the previous one: the four Nagano sergeants were having a secret meeting to eat all kinds of delicious rice-related dishes. And here's the continuation...



  1. Thank you so much for picking up MakoMeshi and completing it! Thanks also to Moyai for their work on this series.

  2. Heck yeah!!! I love MakoMeshi

  3. okay finally got around to reading it, tbh I'd leave mentaiko as mentaiko and not pollock roe

    1. Okay, I'll take that into consideration for future chapters. With words like that, it's always difficult to decide if it's better to translate them or not.

    2. When you look up recipes for japanese food most commonly you will find the japanese names, in this case "mentaiko" and not "pollock roe", tbh I wouldn't even make the connection between those names if I hadn't seen how it looks in the manga.
