Sunday, June 26, 2022

Achiga 41: Gratitude

This month, we have Achiga and Toki but not Shinohayu. Unfortunately, Ritz did not have enough time to finish the rough draft so Igarashi Aguri could not make the drawings. Anyway, Toki will be up in a few days as usual. Achiga, you'll find below.

To compare with the Saki version, it begins near the end of Saki 229...


  1. Thanks for the chapter. It will be strange to have the Achiga and main Saki mangas both covering the lieutenant's match at the same time.

    1. I thought the same. We are only 11 chapters behind at this point.

    2. Somehow I think Achiga will end at the beginning of either vice captain or captain match.

  2. Thanks for the chapter. But seriously the second half of the sergeant match is skipped. In my opinion that part was more interesting.

    1. I imagine it's because Achiga plays little role for the rest of the match. I'm still surprised Ritz would skip so much though.

    2. You are right, but it's still possible to have Achiga reaction towards the others. Not to mention even in the first hanchan we have really only saw the half of it. 3/4 of the sergeant match was skipped.

  3. I wanted to see the Achiga version of Sumire shooting Yuu :(
