Sunday, February 27, 2022

Shinohayu 94: Regret and Sympathy

Shinohayu. The format of the tournament is not explained in detail but it seems that after the morning matches, an unknown number of players (more than four) advanced to the "final league", which was already mentioned in chapter 92. Then the top 4 players from this "final league" play in the last match of the final to decide the winner.
I'm just saying because it may be a little surprising if some player mentioned in chapter 92 is not present in the final or the other way around.



  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    It looks like Kana gets a really complicated attachment to anyone she personally feels like she lost to. In the beginning of the series it was Hayari, now it's Shino. Big fan of the narrative consistency.

  2. Kanna is a competitor and somewhat salty one :)
