Saturday, September 5, 2020

Saki 222: Wound

In the first pages of this chapter, Ritz went full power with no-pan shots and the like (in color!) so just a fair warning before you open page 1 and find Kunihiro's body part in your face. The rest of the chapter is just a normal chapter.
Anyway, this chapter's title is just a different word for 'injury/wound'. In chapter 220, I used 'injury' so this time it's 'wound'.
 I'll skip putting the cover this time or the warning above would be pointless.
Also, MakoMeshi ch15 by Spectacular Scanlations:
MakoMeshi ch15 (Mangadex) 


  1. Thanks for the chapter. In this sergeant match I'm more interested in Yuu. After all her play style is the most apparent visually. And because it's the final, there has to be some sort of power up. After all Ritz has to keep up the suprise factor in the manga.

    1. So by 'most apparent visually' you mean because it's easy to see what red tiles she has and has not, right? Personally, I look forward to see how she deals with Mako since they have never played together.

  2. Hi thanks Akio! Glad to see no matter what happened Ritz will always be Ritz.

    1. Yeah, no-pan shots, it's tradition. Saki without no-pan shots would be like... well, Saki Achiga-hen, I guess.

  3. Replies
    1. Sort of. The magazine is published twice a month but Saki doesn't appear in every issue.
