Monday, April 27, 2020

Shinohayu 78: To the Capital 2 & Achiga-hen 22: Entrance

Depending on chapter's length or how much editing work is required, Achiga-hen may be released together with Shinohayu, together with Toki or as a separate release. If it's a separate release, it will probably be the last to be translated, but sometimes it's more convenient to work on two chapters at once if they are easy to edit.

To the capital, at last. I expect lots of old faces and maybe some new ones too on the next chapter.

This scene was a couple of pages in Saki chapter 190. Here we get the full version in all its glory, which is always nice. Plus some of these characters have never or very rarely been drawn by Aguri. And finally, that character holding the phone on the first page... it's her, right? She has to be her.


  1. Thanks for the chapters!

  2. the boobs were normal sized here in achiga

    really hope the main would do the same, not those impossibly-bigger-than-the-characters-head kind of boobs that they had

    1. Yeah, huge boobs are Ritz's fetish. Nopan low angles too. All that is toned down when it's Aguri who draws it.

  3. Is this... Shino?
    Thx for translations :)

    1. In the first page? Yeah, she has to be Shino.
      The blonde to the right could be Chiyoko.
