Sunday, February 12, 2023

Toki 65: The Strong 4

It was mentioned in a Saki chapter that Teru played against Fujishiro Nanami during her first Interhigh. Teru won but ended the match so tired that it contributed to her defeat in the final against Kainou Yoshiko.

I thought "tired" simply meant that Teru had a long and difficult match but maybe there was more to it than that...

On the cover, Toki and Ryuuka are making New Year wishes. I decided not to mess with it but Toki's is a simple "Let's get along this year too" or "Please treat me well this year too". Ryuuka's says "I wish Toki-chan stays healthy". There are a couple more about two people becoming friends again.


  1. Thanks!! Hard to believe just with this skill she reached the top of senriyama ever in rankings
