Saturday, September 17, 2022

Saki 249: Halfway

Hey, it's been a while since the last Saki chapter... Where were we? Oh yeah, right at the halfway point of the final. The second hanchan of the lieutenant match is about to begin!



  1. thanks for the chapter

  2. Thanks for the chapter. I was thinking endless kokushi kyushu kyuhai was a possibility. Would be really funny to see.

  3. Thank you for the chapter! At long last it resumes!

    Given her previous matches, I don't expect Hisa to follow along with Ako's game plan....

  4. Based on Awai’s reaction it seems like she’s likely gonna go for the kyushu kyuhai play, like it’s a done deal. Hisa’s hand seems good but she’s dealer and I’m sure they’ll all recognize how vital this time around it is for teamwork

    1. I think the shown hand is Takami's but it's a bit ambiguous. Hisa has a 9man in her first discard though which wouldn't make sense for the shown hand.

    2. Even if we consider that the 9 man could be a mistake, it also seems that it’s Hisa who discards the green dragon, and Ako melds it. So indeed it’s neither of their hands, at least.

  5. thanks for the chapter!
    aside from Hisa likely going for points herself, i seriously doubt Myeonghwa would play along either. Ako'd be wise to realise this early XD

  6. Awai's reaction shows that Takami being last dealer ever happened before, and there's a very high probability that Takami will win the last round. BTW, who is usuzumi refers to as Miko apprentice from Nara

    1. Ako is the miko. Her family runs a Shinto shrine. She probably helps out as a miko sometimes.

    2. You can even see her older sister in miko uniform in Achiga-hen episode 2, so you can assume that Ako also does some stuff like this.

  7. Thanks for the chapter!

  8. It seems like in the Achiga version of the match, Awai does wear some kind of underwear, even if just thighs.
