Sunday, August 4, 2024

Saki 277: Counterattack

The first direct confrontation of this captains match: Saki vs Awai!

But don't miss the even greater struggle in page 11: those tiles sure are strong... (Ritz had some fun).



  1. Thanks for the chapter. Saki's way of winning was kind of expected. I really look forward to Awai's third special move.

  2. Thanks for the chapter!

    Oddly, in the end of the previous chapter Awai is shown winning a baiman but the scoreboard at the beginning of this chapter shows her winning a second haneman. I guess the more recent version of events is correct?

    1. Good question. There's been no update from Ritz's blog so it's hard to say.

  3. Thanks for translations!

  4. thank you for the translation! i love how awai's personality is more like a comedic relief character now, and i swear ritz is using her giant knockers more for the hilarity rather than for sexual appeal. also, i can't wait to see her special move!!

    saki's win condition here was a little predictable here, and i hope she can display more moves during the finals that go beyond the rinshan tile, or at the very least, can break through everyone else's powers. i guess we're all waiting for the reappearance of her monster-self that we've seen in the quarterfinals, but it's still too early to make predictions ig

    also i wanted to make a concession. i used to think that ritz's writing had gone down a bit with the main series since the finals began because it felt more "dumbed down" with lots of rehashing of the same explanations/events for the characters we all know intimately well. it wasn't until this chapter (specifically the part where saki had to narratively explain why awai is forced to drop the 2p tile during riichi) that i realized that ritz is kinda forced to reintroduce the side-a characters because casual saki followers aren't going to know all that much about them. ritz has done a pretty good job with it in retrospect.
