Sunday, May 26, 2024

Shinohayu 116: Gap

This is a very short chapter but that's what we have. Ritz assumed responsibility for not submitting the draft sooner but also, every series had new volume releases this month, so it's not entirely unexpected.

On top of that, there is no Toki chapter this month. It seems that the Mekimeki duo have been very busy with other works lately (not related to Saki) so Toki is skipping this issue.

Finally, this chapter's original title is buranku, which is a borrowed word from the English 'blank'. In Japanese, this is often used to mean 'time without doing something'. So 'gap' would be a better translation, in this case, than the literal 'blank'.



  1. Thanks for the chapter. Too bad the chapter was short this month.

  2. Thanks again!

  3. Thank you! At least we got something!

  4. and you can't even translate a makomeshi chapter in place of the toki one lol

    1. oh no, what am i gonna do? i'll get bored!
      just kidding lol

    2. You could translate Ritz blog posts.

    3. Blog posts are generally translated when they come out.
      Go to the search bar in the top left and type: Ritz's blog
      and you will find several of them.

  5. Thanks for translations!
